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Why memorize (Hifz) the Holy Quran?

Why memorize the Holy Quran?

The Holy Quran is the last book of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muslims have been memorizing it since the first day of revelation. Why memorize (hifz) the holy Quran?

The reasons can vary a lot. But it seems to be a very personal relationship with Allah. Since it is the last message, Muslims memorize it to show reverence and devotion to almighty Allah, win over His infinite Grace, and strengthen their beliefs (Iman) and practices.

If we look at Muslims as a community (umma), hifz can be seen as a vital element of that community. Hifz means preservation. In that sense, it preserves the Holy Quran in the hearts and also preserves the unity of the umma.

Lastly, there is a promise of great reward for one who memorizes the Holy Quran. It is narrated from Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Amr (RA) that Rasulullah (PBUH) said:

Allah will say to a Hafiz (upon his death and on the day of Qiyaamat) ‘Recite the Quran and (upon reciting each Verse) climb (a stage in Jannah) and continue reciting as you used to in the world as your abode in Jannah is upon the last verse you recite.’ (Mishkaat vol.1 pg.186; Me’raaj)

However, the intention should, too, be pure and not mingled with worldly gains of reputation and respect.

The online Quran academy wishes you the best of luck on this purest and noblest of pursuits. If you have any questions, you can ask our teachers here.

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