Introduction of Basic Tajweed Course
This is an introductory video on the Basic Tajweed Course. As the name suggests, the course deals with the basics of Tajweed. Not only that, but you will also learn to read the Arabic Script. We will be using Norani Qaida as our textbook. There are total of 18 lessons in the Qaida. We will be uploading videos covering each lesson individually. The difficulty level increases progressively. You will have to practice each and every step with full attention. We have additional material for your assistance including descriptive videos explaining Tajweed Rules like Ikhfa, Ghunna, Qalaqalah etc.
Lesson No 01
In this video, we will be covering Lesson No 1 of the Basic Tajweed Course. It is the most important lesson of the course and also of the Norani Qaida. You will be learning how to pronounce the Basic Alphabets of the Arabic language. A slight digression from the pronunciation place (Makhraj), the alphabet can become something other. That means it can cause a lot of confusion about the meaning when reading the Holy Quran. Therefore, you need to pay extra attention to the lesson.
Lesson No 02
In Lesson No 2 of the Basic Tajweed Course, you will be learning how to recognize the individual letters when they join to form words or Compound Letters. You will not be spelling the words, rather finding out pronouncing every alphabet discretely. Lesson No 2 is important as it helps you to you to have a conception of how Arabic words are formed and how to recognize them when they appear with other words. It will become an important skill as you will move forward in the Basic Tajweed Course.
Lesson No 03
This is the third video of the Basic Tajweed Course. In this video, we will cover Lesson No. 3 of Norani Qaida. You will learn how to recite Muqatta’at Letters. They appear in the beginning of certain Surahs. Lesson No. 3 is just like the previous lesson. The only difference in the equation comes because of Madd Sign. You will need to stretch those letters which have Madd on them. Moreover, you will have to practice a lot so that the concept of Madd becomes ingrained in your mind. This stretching and prolonging will help you in your Tajweed in later lessons.
Lesson No 04
This is the fourth video in the Basic Tajweed Course. This covers Lesson No. 4 of Norani Qaida. Lesson No. 4 is about “Harakat” or “Movements”. There are three movements in Arabic Language: Fatha, Kasra, and Dhamma. They work like just like vowels do in English Language. They move the consonants (or alphabets): hence, the name movements. There are a variety of other vowels, but we will cover them in subsequent lessons of Norani Qaida. This lesson is the backbone of Tajweed. If you want to be good at Tajweed, you will have to pronounce the movements with moderation. That is, neither too long nor too short.
Lesson No 05
This is the fifth video in the Basic Tajweed Course. It is about Lesson No. 5 of Norani Qaida. Lesson No. 5 is about Tanween. Tanween is represented by Double Fatha, Double Kasra, and Double Dhamma. A very basic sketch of Tanween is drawn in the video, and concepts like Ikhfa and Idhar are avoided. These concepts will be later dealt in subsequent lessons of Norani Qaida. You will encounter Tanween in almost every verse of the Holy Quran. Therefore, this lesson is very important for the correct recitation of the Holy Quran i.e., Tajweed. It is advisable that you practice it until it sinks in your heart!
Lesson No 06
This is the sixth video in the Basic Tajweed Course. This video covers Lesson No. 6 of Norani Qaida. Lesson No. 6 is very important. For the first, you will be learning how to “spell” Arabic words. In this lesson, you will employ all the concepts of Tajweed learnt previously. You will gain a basic insight on how the Movements and Tanween combine to form words. Lesson No. 6 does not deal with Maddah, Lean, Jazam, etc. You will encounter them in upcoming lessons of Norani Qaida.
Lesson No 07
This is the seventh video in the Basic Tajweed Course. This video covers Lesson No. 7 of Norani Qaida. This lesson is of utmost importance in the vowel system of Arabic Language. Lesson No. 7 is about Standing Movements or Hrakaat. You will encounter Standing Fatha, Standing Kasra, and inverted Dhumma. But for the sake of convenience, we will call it Standing Dhumma. Simple and plain Movements can be seen as short vowels. While Standing Movements as long vowels because they require some elongation to pronounce them correctly. You should practice this lesson relentlessly. If you ignore the mistakes you are making in this lesson and move on, they will occur in the recitation of the Holy Quran. Hence, such an attitude will affect your Tajweed negatively. You should keep in mind that shortening these vowels voluntarily during recitation is a sin.
Lesson No 08
This is the eighth video in Basic Tajweed Course. This video contains Lesson No. 8 of Norani Qaida. Lesson No. 8 is about Maddah. Maddah has no relation to Madd. Madd is a sign which promotes elongation of a vowel. While Maddah is a specific type of vowel which has certain conditions. There are three letters of Maddah: Alif, Wao, and Yaa. There should be Fatha before Aliph, Kasra before Yaa, and Dhamma before Wao to make the vowel of Maddah. The sound of Maddah is similar to that of Standing Harakat. It should be stretched for about a second. You will often see Maddah in subsequent lessons. Therefore, it is advisable that you should practice this lesson until you do justice to it.
Lesson No 09
This is the ninth video of Basic Tajweed Course. This video is about Lesson No. 9 of Norani Qaida. Lesson No. 9 deals with yet another type of vowel: Lean. There are two letters (Huroof) of Lean: Wao and Yaa. Lean is exercised when there is Fatha before these two letters. You should remember that it is distinct from Maddah. In Maddah, there is Kasra before Yaa and Dhumma before Wao. Lean should be pronounced softly and should not be prolonged more than one Alif. You will realize the period when you watch the video. Like in every other lesson, you need a lot of practice to master Lean.
Lesson No 10
This is the tenth video in Basic Tajweed Course. This video is about Lesson No. 10. This lesson is the exercise of all the previous lessons and concepts like: Harakat, Tanween, Maddah, Standing Harakat, and Lean. Lesson No. 10 is just like Lesson No. 6 but its horizon is much more wider. You will be given Arabic words to spell. If you are struggling with the spelling, it is advisable to revise the previous lessons. Pay more attention to the words containing Madd on Maddah. You will have to stretch them. To move forward, it is necessary that you revise this lesson endlessly. So, you can apply the concepts you have learnt to read the Holy Quran.
Lesson No 11
This is the eleventh video in Basic Tajweed Oure. This video covers Lesson No. 11 of Norani Qaida. Lesson No. 11 is about Sakoon (Tranquility) or Jazam. Jazam is a sign that is used to join two letters together. The letter having Jazam upon it is called Saakin. The letter preceding Saakin always have a vowel. So, you can understand it like this: the movement (state of being a vowel) of a letter stops on a letter containing Jazam. Hence, it is also called Sakoon or Tranquility. It is a very important concept. It will also help you understand yet another important concept of Tashdeed which will be covered in subsequent lessons of Norani Qaida. You will have to revise and, through practice, discover the dynamics of Jazam.
Lesson No 12
This is the twelfth video in Basic Tajweed Course. This video is about Lesson No. 12 of Norani Qaida. Lesson No. 12 is an exercise of all previous lessons and the recently learnt concept of Jazam. It is the longest lesson in Norani Qaida. The lesson is designed in a way that it tackles easy words and phrases first, and then goes on to relatively harder phrases. You will have to spell every word or phrase using all the techniques you have learnt so far. However, it is certain that you will encounter Jazam in each and every word. and also you will encounter Ikhfa, Maddah, Lean etc. This lesson is very important for your spelling skills. Therefore, it is advisable to pay more attention to it.
Lesson No 13
This is the thirteenth video in Basic Tajweed Course. This video is about Lesson No. 13 of Norani Qaida, which is about Tashdeed. Tashdeed is a sign that looks like number 3 with its open end not on west but on north side. The letter on which Tashdeed comes, is called “Mushaddad”. Mushaddad letter is read twice: first with the previous letter and second with its own movement. Tashdeed is pronounced with a stress and a slight pause. However, it is tricky to get the very first time. You will see Tashdeed in every other word in the Holy Quran. In subsequent lessons of Norani Qaida, you will find more lessons on Tashdeed.
Note: Whenever Tashdeed appears on Noon and Meem we will practice Ghunna.
Lesson No 14
This is the fourteenth video in Basic Tajweed Course. This video is about Lesson No. 14, which comprises of the exercise of Tashdeed and Ghunna. We have learnt the concept of Tashdeed and have practiced it in previous lesson. In this lesson, we will practice Tashdeed on Arabic words and Phrases. It also covers all the previous concepts except Jazam, which will be dealt with in Lesson No. 15. This lesson is very important, and success in it will set the tone for upcoming lessons. Just remember to pronounce Tashdeed with stress and a slight pause.
Note: Whenever Tashdeed appears on Noon and Meem we will practice Ghunna.
Lesson No 15
Today we will be covering Lesson No. 15 of Norani Qaida. This lesson is the exercise of Tashdeed with Jazam. Every Tashdeed sign will be followed by a Jazam or, at least, have Jazam in its proximity. This lesson is the continuation of previous lesson. The focus is on the right pronunciation of Tashdeed: with stress and a slight pause. To avoid error, it is advisable that you revise this lesson endlessly. If you are feeling difficulty, you should consider revising Lesson No. 13 and Lesson No: 14.
Note: Whenever Tashdeed appears on Noon and Meem we will practice Ghunna.
Lesson No 16
This video is about Lesson No. 16 of Norani Qaida, which is an exercise of Tashdeed with Tashdeed. This lesson elaborates on previously built concept of Tashdeed. You will encounter Tashdeed with another Tashdeed in close proximity. That is, the Tashdeed will be followed by another of its kind (or simply, Dual Tashdeed). To excel at this exercise, you will need a firm grip on all the previous lessons of Norani Qaida except Maddah. Tashdeed with Maddah will be the subject of the next video. You are advised to practice it until you make the correct pronunciation of the words and the phrases presented in this lesson.
Note: Whenever Tashdeed appears on Noon and Meem we will practice Ghunna.
Lesson No 17
This is Lesson No. 17 of Basic Tajweed Course of Norani Qaida and this lesson is also exercise of Tashdeed sign. This lesson is one of the most toughest lesson you have learn so for in terms of spelling and connecting words because in the main time you have to spell Tashdeed with Madd. In Simple! Connecting and prolonging. This lesson helps you to understand Tashdeed with Madda Letters including Maddd. Practice is the key! The more you practice, The more you will get better in Tajweed.
Note: Whenever Tashdeed appears on Noon and Meem we will practice Ghunna.
Lesson No 18
This is the last video of Basic Tajweed Course and the last lesson of Norani Qaida. This is not a lesson as you you were doing so far. It is basically a testing the skills of attendant of this course. This lesson includes every rule you have learnt so far as well as few new rules as well like Idghaam, Iqlaab etc. As we already mentioned that this lesson have a different science. So, in this video we will just read this lesson for you but student have to spell each and every word by himself without taking anyone’s help. If you are capable to spell words correctly by your own then Mashallah you are qualified to start The Holy Quran reading. If you are struggling with any rule to spell so please go back on that rule’s lesson and practice again.
Idghaam: If after Noon As-Sakinah or Tanween comes any of the Idghaam letters, you will merge the Noon Sakinah or Tanween into the letter. The emphasis will be on the succeeding letter because of the presence of Shaddah. Letters of Idghaam: ي , ر , م , ل , و , ن and they are collected in the word.
Iqlaab: After every Noon Saakinah or Tanween, if the letter baa (ب) follows, the sound must be flipped [i.e. changed] to the sound of the letter meem (م). This is represented by a little meem on top of the letter.